วันจันทร์ที่ 9 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2554


 reball 102
1.  First, apply a thin film of a very tacky, no clean flux (Zephlux (NCF-0014 included in the Kit!) over the entire grid area of the Ball Grid Array or Chip Scale Package using an anti-static foam swab (SFS-A-0050 included in kit!) shown at left.
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2. Choose the appropriate Re-Balling Screen (from your  Kit) for your BGA pattern. Place your fluxed component on the underside of your Re-Balling Screen. Make sure that your component and the Screen are squared. We probably have the Screen/Stencil for your particular BGA here in our factory. If not, we can in a very short time.
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3. Now, position your Re-Balling Pan (included in kit!) under the Re-Balling Screen. Place the component into the Re-Balling Pan so that the handles of the Re-Balling Screen lie directly above those of the Re-Balling Pan. As shown at left.
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4. Remove lid from Re-Balling Tank (included in your Kit). Place Re-Balling Pan unit into the grooves of your Re-Balling Tank. Pour appropriate Solder Spheres (included in kit!) onto Re-Balling Screen. Holding both handles, rotate left & right dumping any excess spheres into the Tank.
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5. Either turn on your ZT-3 Air Pick, place a Re-Balling Needle Tip (our popular ZT-5-VPAK variety tip pack is included in the kit!) of a smaller size then your Solder Spheres on the end of the AirPick.
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6. Now, use your ZT-3-AirPick to remove any extra Solder Spheres that you have left. Also use your AirPick to fill in any holes on your Re-Balling Screen as shown here.
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7. Place the Re-Balling Platform (included in Kit!) into your ABC-1 Board Cradle. Position the the Cradle in front of your ZT-7-MIL. Now, simply place the Re-Balling Pan and Re-Balling Screen on top of the ReBalling Platform using the convenient handles as shown in the photo at the left.
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8. Next lower the Z-axis heating zone of the ZT-7-MIL down to where the hot air nozzle is approximately 1/8" or 3mm above the Re-Balling unit. Set the countdown timer to 1:20. Set your top temperature to 230ºC. Start the timer and the heating from above.
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9. Yes! The picture at the left says it all. When the timer begins to beep, turn off top heater. As the Re-Balling unit cools, carefully separate the component out from the screen as shown in the photograph at the left. (Caution: The Re-Balling unit may still be hot.) Inspect your component and you are ready for final cleaning.
 reball 10 10.  Final Cleaning: Dip one of your Thru-Hole Brushes (included in Kit!) into the non-flammable flux remover (NFR-0056, also included in the Kit!). Generously apply the flux-remover throughout the component until all of the old flux has been stripped away. Inspect.

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